Thursday, March 26, 2009

Weekly Vocabulary

1. Word / Phrase: Opaque

Meaning: Not allowing entrance to light.

Context: The big arbor is opaque for the little flower that needs sunlight.

2. Word / Phrase:Lustrous

Meaning: Shinning ; reflecting light

Context: My mirror is lustrous in the sun.

3. Word / Phrase: Premeditate

Meaning: To think about and revolve in the mind beforehand.

Context: I always premeditate about my problems and my homework.

4. Word / Phrase: Cantankerous

Meaning: Difficult or irritating to deal with

Context: To keep up with my work and school work is very cantankerous.

5. Word / Phrase: Arbor

Meaning: A tree

Context: I saw a huge and fruity arbor around my house.

1 comment:

  1. Remember the the context task is to explain how/where/when you learned or heard the word. Writing a sentence is fine as an additional task, but only as an addition. Take a look at the template for ideas.
